Friday, September 16, 2011

Breast Cancer

Everybody knows cancer is one of the deadliest disease that one could have, and cancer is so scary that when you are diagnose with one, even though you might survive after operation after that, you might have some 'leftovers' inside there, and it could spread and attack you at any time. On this post, I wanted to talk about breast cancer, no no, guy readers, don't laugh just yet.

photo taken from

Thursday, September 15, 2011

What happen when Rempit meets JPJ

A funny video captured by a JPJ after a short chase of Mat Rempit, video quality might not be that good, but it's really funny

Monday, September 5, 2011

Paul Cole?

Not much of you guys had heard of Paul Cole ehh? Ashley Cole's brother?
Photo taken from

Nah nah, he aint that type of colour, he's a white man...
Photo taken from

Owh no, not this guy! Not Joe Cole, another guess? He's American...
photo taken from


Friday, September 2, 2011

World Most Famous Bad-Ass(es)

There are plenty of iconic people that had lived and walked on earth before some of us were even born, and of course there are plenty of them which is cruel, which is nice, which is insane or so on, here I wanted to mention a few bad-ass that ever lived and some still ALIVE!(high pitch voice~)

(and not necessarily that all of them are ass-h*les)

NO 10. Vladimir Putin
Photo taken from

When your Prime Minister wrestle with bear, practice Judo, driving racecar, shooting crossbow, can fly aircraft and submarine captaining, you know he is some bad-ass! He was name by Time's magazine Person of the Year in 2007 even.