Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hitz Birthday Bash

Let me start of with this, who want some eargasmic music from Mizz Nina?

No? Do I hear a No, HELL NO! How bout some MARA BAHAYA? POP SHUVIT!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Support the local Talent!!! part II

Anugerah Carta Borneo ERA 2011, the first phase has ended! and I bring you...the winners for this phase! But wait! PHASE 2 had just begun! go on voting!

*Press Conference at BCCK

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Borneo Street Dance PART 2!

Shake, shake, shake now stop and move again! Gawd~ I never expected that I could really see some great moves popped up by Sarawakian, *now I think, "so you think you can dance" could be brought into Sarawak!* Well, lets roll some pictures now...

The crowd was like "WOW!" everybody is gathering, this is due to Kuching keponess too.  From kids, to teenagers, from that to ah ma, everyone wanted to see the dance!