Its already coming to the end of the year 2011. Many things had happen LIFE...throughout the whole year, there are ups and downs for everybody I suppose. and here I do wanna sincerely apologize for everything that had happen throughout the year if I ever offended any readers through the post or by any other form. *susun sepuluh jari* (I know its not Raya but you always can minta maaf anytime right? :P
Anyhow, this post moral is, LIFE could be so unpredictable, no one knows when are we gonna take off and leave the world...I bet some of you know bout the death of some famous icon in the world in 2011. They are-
Steve Jobs (1955-2011)
The third man who changed the world with something related to apple. For him, its the Apple product. Its was ADAM, and then NEWTON...and it was JOBS. He passed away due to a rare form of pancreatic cancer, on October 5th.
"Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying, we've done something wonderful, that's what matters to me." Steve Jobs.
Joe Frazier (1944-2011)
Muhammad Ali's bitterest rival. They fought so many good matches together. "Fight of the century" in 1971 with placed 2.5million cash prize is one of the best fight for the two, and Joe won it. He was diagnose with liver cancer and passed away on November 7th
"Boxing is the only sport, you get your brain shook, money took and your name in the undertaker book" Joe Frazier
Elizabeth Taylor (1932-2011).
One wonderful actress whom had won Oscar awards for Best Actress. She died because of heart failure on the March 23.
"when people say, "she got everything". I got an answer, "I haven't had tomorrow" Elizabeth Taylor
And do enjoy the following video from YAHOO!...its a compilation of many that we had lost. Again people, appreciate those we had now, people around us, for once they are gone, they'll be just gone.
Farewell to those we lost in 2011-featuring "the Dreamer"
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