Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Big Ears

Okay, first of all, like usual, sorry for the very late update, if you do follow my blog, due to hectic time of the year, everything seems to be crashing in like crazy, all right, today's topic! :) BIG ears

Erm, not that kinda big ears, but she is cute MOVE ON! This kinda big ears:

Owh yea, Barrack Obama, America's first black President, he got one big ears :)

And if you ever complain about the size of your ears, let me give you some reason not to hate your big ears!
In Chinese belief, having a big ear means good fortune, which Chinese relate it to the Ears of Buddha

Indeed, Buddha have one huge pair!
As for Filipinos, long big ears means, long live!

 See, wisdom, good wealth, longevity and prosperity, ain't that what everybody wanted to have? Well, complain no more about your big ears! Not enough?

A picture showing a kid, SAVED by his ears, from plunging to death from 8 storeys height, now, when he grew up, and people question him about longevity, he can confirms it! According to sources, he was playing and eventually, slipped through the iron bar and because of his huge ears, he was left hanging with only his BIG ears holding him up until fire brigade come and save the boy. Lucky him!

Now you complain!

Okay, I know you guys want some more of this, here! Have a great day ahead! :)

More? Look for yourself! *fap fap fap*

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