Wednesday, November 6, 2013

La Bestia de Genova

He is someone, brutal, cunning and psychologically ill. This is La Bestia de Genova (The Beast of Genova)

Luis Alfredo Garavito Cubillos, is the name. A serial killer which only found guilty after 138 cases of rape and murder over 138 young boys. Freak you out? Read for more.

Young Luis Garavito is the eldest among his seven siblings. Born 25 January 1957 in Genova, Quindio, Columbia, Luis in his testimony mentioned he was sexually abuse and tortured during his young days by his father.

this is part of his confession:
“Personalmente pienso como decía el apóstol San Pablo en 'Romanos', capítulo 7, versículo 15, porque lo que hago, no lo entiendo; pues no hago lo que quiero, sino lo que aborrezco, eso hago. Aparezco como un ser diabólico, despiadado y malvado pero eso no es así, soy un ser humano que sufrí terriblemente y sigo sufriendo…” 

Which translate to:
"Personally I like the apostle Paul said in 'Romans', chapter 7, verse 15, because what I do not understand, because I do what I want, but what I hate I do. I appear like a diabolical, ruthless and mean but that's not true, I am a human being who suffered and still suffer terribly ... " 

He is found guilty over 138 confirmed case, which initially he admitted 147 young boys and while he is in prison, he drew locations' map which authority believe it could leads to more than 300 cases. 300 CASES!!! Now here is the freaky part...

In Columbia, there is no prison sentence which is more than 30 years when he was punished. Worse? There is no death penalty too, so Luis was sentenced for maximum and because he admitted his crime and also show authority his victims locations, judge shortened it to 22 years. And that ends in 2021. Yes, he is coming out real soon.

One of his victim, Jaime Andres Gonzales. Most of his victims are poor, street or peasant kids aged from 8 to 16 years old. He would lure them with gifts or little money and make them have a walk with him till they are exhausted and then Luis will satisfied his beastly hunger.

Victim, Los Gemelos Tascon

Victim, Didier Alexis Rendon

This is Luis Garavito, taken in the year 2012.

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