Tuesday, June 14, 2011

X-Men: First Class

*playing X-Men theme song in my head* Everybody is damn cool, Professor X, Magneto, Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm and there are so of them which we are familiar with their super power :) and now, the next movie is out, X-Men:First Class...its really...first class!

photo taken from http://pinartarhan.com

For those that have not yet watch the movie, maybe you wanna close this tab and read another post of mine or go somewhere else, this post might cause some spoilers. :) cheers for that!

Movie started with Erik (Michael Fassbender) in Poland, as how the first X-Men started, he was separated with his parents and there is his first discovery of his power of mutation. But what first X-Men movie did not show was, what happen after that. A doctor then, fully utilize his power, Dr. Sebastian Shaw (Kevin Bacon)
(that was about Erik which in later days he turned into this guy- )

Then the movie continue moving into Charles Xavier's life, where he first discover his mutant friend, well, this I leave it to you guys. And yes, the reason behind Professor's handicapped, its explained in this movie too, and this is how he looked like in the younger days? :P

After that it was purely about discovery of mutants which I personal favourite, there are some SPECIAL appearance, and I bet you would smile seeing them, its like, "hey! I know this guy!" :D this I would leave it to you guys too. I would not talk much about the story line, cause that would not only cause spoilers but its like me telling the movie in word DANG! IMDB.com rated this movie 8.3 out of 10, but for me, this movie is rated at...


Really! The trailer looks really boring but thank God that I went to watch for the passion of the original series, I never regret a second about it, (I did regret for going toilet which is quite far in the mid of the movie, DANG!). So go and check your local cinema showtime and grab your tickets, unless you never like X-Men a bit, then, go watch some other movie! :)

and this is the trailer, "do not judge a movie by its trailer!"

Owh! And my personal favourite for this one is Emma Frost (January Jones)

Photo taken from http://justlife4me.com
(how can you not love this?)

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