Monday, June 27, 2011

Drawing for 20 years

Mike once said, "If a picture speaks a thousand words, then a video speaks a novel (which in later days changed to Google)" Therefore I posted up a video next showing a guy with incredible PATIENCE, well, I do not know about you guys, but for me I really SALUTE this guy to the max! Everybody know this guy:-

Photo taken from

yup, that's right, Arnold Schwarzenegger playing the Terminator II, everybody knows how to movie goes, but in case you have not yet catch the movie, go and take a look, find some DVD or however you wan it to be! JUST GET TO WATCH the movie first! Then, you continue with the next video.

It is just epic isn't it? Even there's one comment fo I can't breathe due to this! Then you would know how good is this video! Your thoughts?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is really amazing! Took him 20 years of determination just to create this 4.54mins length of video. WOW!
